A s you read this book you’ll witness that an invisible war is being waged between seductive evil and unfathomable good. This is truly a compelling story of redemption that takes place over a prolonged period of time. Real truth stands on its own. It’s not open for debate, nor can it be negotiated as some may think. Redemption is truth displayed to its fullest extent.
This is the turbulent story of Naomi Parker, a courageous young woman who valiantly overcomes a series of devastating life experiences. She harbors a looming secret that dominates her thinking and negatively impacts her decision making. It infects her ability to process information and is compounded by a learning disability. Naomi comes to know she has a real enemy nipping at her heels who desires to devour her. She also finds great hope in a Liberator, who brings her from a place of bondage and shame to a place of freedom and peace. Naomi demonstrates perseverance through her love of family and growing faith in God. Through her quest to find her purpose, she is able to intimately connect with those who are struggling with similar issues.

Meet Sally
Sally Betters is an inspirational speaker, compelling author and transformational coach. She is a UCLA graduate with Post Graduate work in teaching individuals with Dyslexia, Dysgraphia and ADD.
Sally Betters is an entrepreneur at heart with diverse experience in small business ownership and community involvement. She has owned and operated a professional tutorial services business, More than Words, for over fifteen years. She is passionate about her work with individuals who struggle with learning differences. Witnessing both incremental and drastic improvement in her students’ self-esteem and academic growth is rewarding and fulfilling. Additionally, she has coached women, both young and old, in various levels of emotional, mental and spiritual development on the topics contained within this book. Others are attracted to her leadership in group environments because of her deep compassion and knowledge base and willingness to work with diverse groups.
As a Certified Professional Tutor specializing in children and adults with Dyslexia, Dysgraphia and Attention Deficit Disorder. Sally Betters speaks to parent groups educating them on research-based systems. She has significantly impacted numerous students and their families with her expertise.
As an advocate on the effects of post abortion on women, Sally Betters has been invited to speak to churches, pastors and community groups. She has been on volunteer, case manager and staff member with the Post Abortion Counseling Program for the Santa Clarita Valley Pregnancy Center. In addition, she has served as a founding Board Member of the Vine Pregnancy Center in her local mountain community.
Sally Betters currently resides in Southern California with her husband, who is her soul mate. Together they have four adult children and four beautiful granddaughters.
To contact Sally, for information on booking her to speak at your event, visit her website at www.sallybetters.com. If you’re interested in personal coaching you can email her at info@sallybetters.com.
Sally shares why she chose to write this story ... read more
News, Events & Media
"Santa Clarita Life Coach Releases Books To Help Victims Of Trauma Find Healing"at KHTS Hometown Station
October 2018 Interview by The Signal Santa Clarita Valley
"SCV Author Publishes Book Addressing Childhood Trauma"
Click here to read the article.
TV Interview from the Igniting Souls Conference
The launch of Sally's book was September 25th, 2018! It was a wonderful celebration!
Click here to view the photos in the Events Section.
Sally speaks to wounded souls suffering from childhood trauma with grace and compassion. She delicately takes readers on a journey saturated with pain and darkness. But while the stories are intense and vulnerable, she offers hope and a safety net to those silently suffering. In a world desperate for clarity and peace, Sally offers a path to redemption and healing. This book is highly relevant and a must read regardless of gender, background or experiences.
This book is a powerful testimony to the faithfulness of God to those of us who have suffered at the hands of others. His faithfulness to protect, provide and redeem is evidenced throughout this well written and compelling story. A must read!
Grief is cumulative and cumulatively negative. Childhood abuse can have a lifelong negative impact on your life. From Crisis to Compassion is a beautiful example of how hope and recovery from grief and abuse are possible.
I have never heard a story of someone healing or getting over something by living in silence and isolation with past abuse. I am grateful for this example of transparency, honesty, and bravery in telling a story out loud. This book can serve as a guide for anyone who wants to come out spiritually and relationally stronger after sexual abuse or abortion. Thank you Sally, for writing the truth!
The term “broken heart” is so commonly used in our society that it often sounds romantic; and in actuality it’s anything but! Broken hearts demand our full attention, whether the cause is relationships, debilitating depression, or dreams dying and crumbling in our hands, we are all in need of healing from the heart traumas of simply being human.
Sally is passionate not only for her own healing but making it accessible for others as well. Within the narrative on these pages you’ll find your story… follow the path and you’ll find your healing.
For anyone who has felt alone, or has lost hope of their lives ever improving, this book is a must. The traumas faced by Naomi changed how she felt about herself, and about her ability to influence the world around her. It is in moving past negative self-talk and destructive behavior that Naomi is enabled to forgive herself, allowing her to connect more genuinely with those around her. This is a book about hope, and how to become the best version of your true self.
Sally Betters tells a story so heartbreakingly beautiful and so painful to comprehend, one wants to look away and keep reading all at the same time. From Crisis to Compassion draws one in, and is brimming with Scriptural truth and the deep, unstoppable, Redemptive love of Christ, bringing healing to those who have suffered in secret and silence. In a unique style and voice, Sally writes with a grit and compassion that could only come from a personal encounter with a passionate Savior who will stop at nothing to rescue His beloved.
Buy the Books
Empathy, Intimate Connection and Involvement await you!
In this compelling narrative you will find:
- Who your real enemy is.
- How to prepare for battle.
- Where the resources are to overcome your brokenness.
- What to do if you want intimate connection with others.
Discover what arises in the turbulent life of Naomi Parker that takes her from a place of fear and shame to compassion for those in similar circumstances. After finding her purpose, Naomi is able to intimately connect with those who struggle with similar life-altering issues. This unique journey of perseverance is worth the read!
The purpose of this Workbook is to give you an opportunity to personally review some of Naomi Parker's experiences. You will be able to ask yourself critical questions and process solutions as you review scriptural truths to guide you through your journey.